Boss Day

Fantastic Fun Ideas to celebrate boss day

October 04, 2022

Year end means a time for merriment and celebrations. And one such celebration is lurking around the corner. Yes, we are talking about the equally feared and loved Boss day. Bosses day is celebrated every year on the 16th of October. Now if you have been blessed with a charming and thoughtful boss, then it is natural for everyone in your office to get together and throw your boss a delightful party.

You can do many things to make your boss feel special and make a harmonious environment in your office. One of those things that you can do is give the boss man or boss lady a terrific gift.

Boss day celebration fun ideas

Idea 1: Celebrate with gift giving rituals

The gift for the bosses shouldn't be expensive. It is avoided to send some personal gifts, but just be thoughtful. If your boss is someone that makes the workday bearable, acknowledge him or her with a special gift for a celebration. Picking out a gift for the boss can be difficult, but it does not have to be. Determine what their likes or dislikes are prior to selecting a gift. You can choose something to decorate their office or buy a desk accessory or organiser. Personalized frames, pen sets, or gift baskets also make a nice gift for a special boss. Wrap the gift nicely with a card, and leave it on their desk.

Celebrate with gift giving rituals

Idea 2: Surprise them with cards and flowers!

Gift cards and flowers are always the most acceptable for every occasion. You can gift a bouquet of her favourite fresh flowers and an exquisite card along with your or your team’s message.

Gifts and cards for boss

Idea 3: Bake them a dessert

Among all of the Boss day gifts ideas, this one is the best because it is the most delicious! Try your skills at baking and whip up a delicacy for your boss from scratch with your own hands. The team can also pitch in by handling the other aspects such as shopping for the ingredients or frosting and decorating the dessert! Chocolates, cookies, pastries, cakes - all of them are acceptable. Just ensure you pay good attention to your manager’s dietary restrictions and preferences.

Bake dessert for Boss

Idea 4: Play a PRANK!

If your boss has a sense of humor and you are in an office environment where a humorous office gift is appropriate, there are so many gift ideas to choose from. Office cubicle gifts, humorous desk signs, and desk kits are available in different themes and messages. Practical pranks might be acceptable, depending on whether or not you and your team shares a deep bond with your boss. So feel free to discuss them in length with the rest of your team before enacting them.

Play a prank

Idea 5: Order them lunch

Not for the entire office, but just for the boss. Order the cuisine and item of their choice for lunch and surprise them wholeheartedly. Perhaps order your manager a meal from their favorite restaurant. This gesture will touch their heart and show them what they mean to their corporate family.

Order lunch for boss

Idea 6: Throw a surprise office party

Who doesn't like being honored? And getting a surprise party arranged is the dream come true scenario for most people.

Throw a surprise office party

Idea 7: Make them a gift basket

You can create a gift basket to match the personality of your boss. Does he or she like to play golf or tennis, enjoy coffee or tea; tailor the basket according to their interests? This way, your boss knows how much they are appreciated by their team members and it further strengthens the bond between employer and employees.

Boss day gift basket

Idea 8: Take them out shopping

This is a very unique proposition that will be highly valued by your boss. After all, anyone can order Boss day gifts, but not everyone takes their bosses on a shopping spree where they get to pick out whatever they want!

Boss day shooping

Idea 9: Treat them to a spa

Everyone needs some time to relax, undisturbed, being a boss is not easy. Even with a team of efficient employees, employers hardly get any time to relax. So, for this year, give your boss the peace of mind they deserve with a mega spa voucher or all paid spa sessions on the day of the celebration. To further enhance their relaxing experience, make sure office work done during that week is error-free. It will put your boss in a stress-free time.

spa for boss

Idea 10: Try to fetch a reputable interview

Try to do the most unexpected thing for your employer by fetching their brand a shoutout or an interview with a reputable medium. Media enhances reputation for a company and helps create a strong brand image that will be highly beneficial to employers and employees simultaneously. So, make your boss proud on this day by fetching them a reputable interview and surprise them to the core!

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