Father's Day

Everything You Need To Know About Father’s Day – Father’s Day History & Interesting Facts

June 01, 2017
"To her, the name of Father was another name for love." – Fanny Fern

Fathers give us life, happiness, our wishes and then they put all their faith and belief in us. They help us chase our dreams, and they see us grow as people! Father’s Day is the time to make your father feel pampered and loved to the core. Here are some amazing Fathers Day Gifts to convey your feelings to Dad.

Fathers Day interesting facts

Why Celebrate Father’s Day?

Father's Day is celebrated across the Globe to recognize the contribution of all the fathers and fatherly men in the lives of children. This day celebrates fatherhood and male parenting. The love, care and affection a father showers upon his children can never be measured in any way. He deserves all the good things in his life, no denying it. The responsibilities he takes care of with utmost dedication is genuinely commendable. He is the protector of his kids. No matter what the circumstances, he always stands like a solid rock in front of his children. That is the reason why we always look up to him when we are facing our lows. This father’s day, spend time with your beloved father and read exciting facts about fathers.

When is Father’s Day?

Falling on the third Sunday of June every year, Father’s Day is on June 20th this year.

Father’s Day History - How did Father’s Day Begin?

Let’s take a little dig into the Father’s Day History and get the insights.

Father’s Day officially began back in the year 1910 in Spokane, Washington. A woman named Sonora Dodd, 27- year-old, proposed the notion of Father’s Day as a way to honor her father. She wanted to honor and celebrate the man who raised her when her mom died during childbirth. Sonora was at a church service when she conceived the idea of Father’s Day and how grateful she was to have her father. She chose to celebrate Father’s Day in June - her father's birthday month.

 Know about the Sonora Smart Dodd
Sonora Dodd

When Did Father’s Day Gain Popularity?

Father’s Day gained popularity in 1924 under the Presidency of Calvin Coolidge. He looked at this moved as one that would establish more intimate relations between fathers and their children.

Also Read: Rejoicing Moments of a Father-Daughter Relationship

What are the less known and interesting facts about Father’s Day?

Let’s talk about numbers first

  • 1. According to the Greeting Card Association, Father's Day is the fourth-biggest day for sending greeting cards, after Christmas, Valentine's Day and Mother's Day.
  • 2. About 20 percent of Father's Day cards are bought for husbands.
  • 3. At present, there are over 1.5 billion dads in the world.
  • 4. More than 214,000 men are stay-at-home dads in the US and over two million are single Dads.
  • 5. Roughly around 40% of children of divorce haven’t seen their father in a year.
  • Hoping onto the Interesting Facts About Fathers on Father’s Day

  • 6. Know about the oldest father in history. The world’s oldest father is believed to be Ramajit Raghav from India. He was 96 years old when his 52-year-old wife gave birth to a baby boy in 2010. Raghav was single until he was in his 80s.
  • Ramajit Raghav - World's oldest man with his child
    Source: Keymedia
  • 7.The invention of the drinking fountain was by Halsey Tayloras a tribute to his father, who submitted to typhoid fever after drinking from a contaminated public water supply in the year 1896.
  • 8.Father’s Day in Thailandis celebrated in December, on the birthday of King Bhumibol Adulyadej. The dress code for Father’s Day is yellow. The celebration includes fireworks and acts of charity and honor.
  •  A man with his 100 days old child
    Source: flickr

    Also Read: Heartfelt Father’s Day Messages

  • 9.In Germany, the men spend the Father’s Day drinking beer all the day at beer gardens.
  • 10.George Washington, the celebrated Father of United States, had no children of his own. However, he did adopt two children from Martha Custis' first marriage.If the researchers are to be believed, George Washington’s childhood illnesses may have rendered him sterile.
  • 11.The 1967 hit single "Something Stupid" by Frank & Nancy Sinatra is the only father-daughter collaboration to hit the top spot on the Billboard pop music chart.
  • Frank & Nancy Sinatra
    Source: Genius
  • 12. The Latin word for “father” is Patri which is the root of many words, including patriarch, patrilineal, patrician, Patrick, patriot, patron, and patronize.
  • 13. Researches have proved that when fathers are involved in their child’s education, the children perform better in school, learn more, and exhibit healthier behavior.

Also Read:- 10 Ways To Improve Your Relationship With Your Dad on this Father's Day

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