
Creative Birthday Cake Recipe

April 14, 2020

Birthdays and Cakes are like First Love - Forever & Inseparable!

Creative Birthday Cake

But the days of having average looking cakes have taken back seat and creative birthday cake is the new trend of the town. Whether it is for the first birthday or the 50th, people are approaching bakeries to order a creative birthday cake. Needless to say, but, creative cakes deserve every bit of the attention they are extracting.

Sometimes it becomes difficult to find a cake that fits our requirements and imaginations. And most of us end buying a cake with some compromises in that predicament.

Today, its about baking that cake and not making compromises. Well, it is not possible to talk about the taste and preference of everyone in a single cake recipe article. Here we are outlining a creative cake recipe for those who feel like being in first love whenever they see the Rainbow.

Chocolate Rainbow Cake

Baking a Rainbow Cake is one of the most colourful creative cake ideas.

Let’s Roll!

Sponge Ingredients

250-gram butter

450-gram plain flour

2 tablespoon baking powder

A pinch of salt

2 tablespoon vanilla extract

6 eggs (medium size)

red, orange, yellow, green, blue and purple (food colouring)

Icing Ingredients

2 tablespoon vanilla extract

500-gram cream cheese

500-gram icing sugar

Let’s Bake!

1. Preheat the oven to 180-degree Celsius and grease round sandwich tins and line the bases with baking parchment.

2. Divide the ingredients into three equal portions.

3. Put all the sponge ingredients (don’t put food colouring) in a mixing bowl and stir/beat them until you get a smooth and soft texture.

4. Now, weigh the mixture into another bowl to work out the total weight, then weigh exactly half the mixture back into the mixing bowl.

5. Take two food colour and stir them in the two bowls weighed equally with the dough. Keep stirring until you get the perfect colour.

6. Scrape the different batters into the tins and try to spread and smooth as much as possible.

7. Bake for 12 mins until a skewer poked into the middle comes out clean.

8. Take out the cake gently on any flat surface to let them cool.

9. Wash the bowls and the tins properly.

10. Now, start again for the first step and repeat the same until you finish preparing the sponges of all six colours.

11. Keep an eye on the hygiene throughout the process.

12. Now, beat cream cheese and vanilla extract together decently until you achieve a smooth blend.

13. Start sifting the icing sugar in the cream cheese and vanilla extract blend slowly.

14. Smear a little icing on your cake stand or plate – just a splodge to stick the first sponge.

15. Now, start with whatever colour sponge you like and spread some icing on it.

16. Repeat the same until you finish with all the six colour sponge.

17. Layer the remaining icing on top and on the sides of the cake.

18. Keep the cake in a refrigerator for at least 5 hours.

19. Take out, cut cold, and enjoy the birthday!

Extra help: -

• You can prepare as many sponges as you want.

• The icing can also be made in chocolate flavour.

• Better to use a cake stand throughout the process.

• Buy only the best quality ingredients.

• You can decorate the cake with gems and sprinkles.

Sprinkled Rainbow Cake

If you don’t have enough time to bake a creative birthday cake, you can look for the birthday cakes online. We hope you had a great cake recipe time and it will help you the way you want. Keep coming back for more cakes recipes!

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