Creating Gardens on Balconies and Verandas
“ Beauty Surrounds You, But You Would Need a Garden To Experience It.” If the only thing that’s inhibiting you from creating your most beautiful masterpiece--the garden is space limitations, then you are in luck. You can turn your balconies and verandas into a natural oasis by planting plants. Sharing with all the green-fingered connoisseurs, the balcony planting ideas:

1. Planters on Fleek:
Lining the balconies with potted plants is one of the easiest ways to have gardens on balconies. Depending upon the space, choose your planters; Go with terracotta, concrete, and resin planters coming in attractive shapes and sizes to level up your balcony garden beauty. As per the environmental conditions (lighting and winds) grow shrubs, vegetables, flowering plants, and foliage plants in these planters. If the balcony receives a lot of sunlight, choose sun-loving plants like succulents and cacti, Sansevieria, Crassula, Lucky Bamboo plant. If the location is shady for most of the day, foliage plants, Balsam, and Salvia will do pretty well.

2. Vertical Gardens:
A vertical garden is a beautiful balcony garden concept for space-saving. Vertical walls of the balcony are used to create a lush and green ambiance. The bonus is that there are no limitations to creativity. Be as creative as you can. Some of the choices include:
- Fix on the wall a pot holder, known as a pallet with potted beauties in it.
- Attaching pots to trellis (It is an architectural structure made from an open framework of wood or bamboo or metal). Climbing plants, especially shrubs are best for trellis.
- Terracing planter stairs.
- Avoid the walls getting dirty with dripping water by going for drip irrigation with a catchment system at the bottom.
- Plant varieties suitable for vertical gardens: ferns, spider plant, clematis, honeysuckle,parsley.

3. Hanging or Railing Baskets:
Space is never a constraint because we have small balcony garden ideas for you. Hang your plants! Hanging baskets are available in a variety of materials; like wood, plastic, steel, these can be hung from eaves turning the home into the gobsmacked beauty. Hanging baskets are suitable for drought-resistant plants like succulents, strawberries, herbs, lettuce. Use Railing baskets and window boxes in a cramped apartment balcony garden. Right plants for railing baskets are marigolds, pansies, basil, thyme, and geraniums.

4. Up-Cycled Containers:
As a gardener, within you lies a creative soul waiting to be exploited. Use your imagination and Pinterest for DIY Balcony Garden. Beautify your balcony and veranda gardens with your personal flair and brighten up the space.
- Paint old rubber boots
- Use glass jars, bottles, yoghurt containers, kettles in the kitchen
- Wooden Crates
- DIY Cement Planters
- Spare tires (Paint them colourful)
- Book Planters (create a hole in the book and fit it with a plastic sheet to prevent water and dirt spilling out). Now, place it in succulents.

Some Important Tips For Home Balcony Garden:
1. Consider garden flooring to set the tone and vibe. Ceramic tiles, artificial grass for balcony and timber decking for verandah.
2. Balconies are exposed to strong and cold winds. Protect your tender plants by having a screen that filters the winds. Use woven bamboo screens or reeds. Trellis clothed is also helpful. These will create stunning backdrops.
3. Add a dash of colour and exoticness by nurturing colourful seasonal flowers in the balcony. Don’t shy away from adding exotic plant varieties.
4. Some of the best plants for balcony and verandah are Aglaonema, Aralia, Areca Palm, Croton, Dracaena, Tree Fern. In summers, anthuriums are long-lasting exotics.
5. Set up chairs and tables, decor artefacts to notch up the glamour.

These balconies and verandah garden ideas will make your dream come true of having a green space that you can proudly call your retreat.