
COVID 19: Measure that We are Taking

March 23, 2020

We all are aware of the present global pandemic scenario that has shocked the world. Our prayers are with all those families across the nations whose members have been suspected of the COVID-19 or are infected with the same. Amidst facing new challenges of this virus every day, we have created a stronger version of ourselves and have taken an oath to deal with this situation with our grit and determination.

Corona Measure

We would like to serve our nation in the best interest at such a crucial time. Looking into the well-being of our employees, customers, and delivery crew, we are devising some strong measures and processes to ensure the safety of all. To safeguard the health of all those who are a part of this organisation, we have initiated certain safety measures to protect them from this virus outbreak. Also, without fail, we are making every possible effort to deliver your token of love seamlessly at their doorstep.

For Delivery Centers and Delivery Team

• We are maintaining proper hygiene by sanitizing our kitchens and delivery centres on a regular basis.

• We have made sure that our delivery crew, chefs, and florists wash their hands every time they enter or leave the premises.

• We are also continuously training our crew on the best practices of personal hygiene, proper method, and frequency of hand washing/sanitizing as well as what to do in case they have any symptoms related to COVID-19.

• We have made it mandatory for all of our crew to use face masks.

• We are also handling the packaging of the products with sanitized gloves.

• We are also doing temperature checks of the crew at the centres.

• We are monitoring closely and making sure that all these steps are adhered to by the teams.

For Customers

• We are doing a no contact delivery; for this, you have to mention specifically in “Special Instruction” during the checkout. The delivery crew will intimate the recipient on a call about the package and will leave the gift package at the doorstep to ensure a contactless delivery. Furthermore, for more safety, spray the package with sanitizer before touching and opening it.

• We are also providing a sealed knife to cut the cake. Take proper measures while cutting the cake and celebrating it with your dear ones.

• For the flower bouquets and plant couriers, use sanitizer spray on it after the delivery.

For Employees

• Most of our employees have been given Work From Home.

• Across all our offices we are conducting compulsory temperature and hygiene checks.

• In case any employee has a fever or flu-like symptoms, we are not letting them attend the office. Also, we are encouraging them to remain at home and seek medical care at the earliest possible.

• We have also replaced our fingerprint punching system with GPS attendance application on the phone to avoid any physical contact from an infected person.

This is not it; we will keep on taking further measures to keep things hygienic and safe. As we do so, we will keep on updating you on a regular basis. We are confident that with the right practices and adequate social distancing, we can help curb the spread of COVID-19.

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