
Childhood Memories Nostalgia During Lockdown

March 28, 2020

Prime Minister Narendra Modi declared a three-week nationwide lockdown on 24th March, 2020, explaining that it was the only way of breaking the Covid-19 infection cycle. We all agree with our honorable Prime Minister. So, now we all are under isolation and boredom is hitting us hard, why not bring back some childhood memories and after so long spend some quality time together.

Childhood Memories Nostalgia During Lockdown


Coloring books, stickers, watercolors are easily available at your home. Take out your colouring books (we sure you must be having one at home) and start painting. Be it the usual and old hut painting or your favourite flower or anything you like to kill the boredom.



As children, most of us loved playing board games, be it Ludo, Snake-ladder or Scrabble. Some of these games will still be lying in some corner of the house, collecting dust. It's time to dust off and play with the family. Once you are home from work, you can sit with the family every evening for one or two rounds.


Hide and Seek

We know this better with the name of Chhupan Chhupai. This game has been so important to us during our childhood that even if someone proposes to play it today, we are sure no one will refuse. Bring back childhood memories and kill your quarantine by playing hide and seek with your siblings.

Hide and Seek

Paper Boats

Tearing the pages of our notebooks and making boats and planes out of it, ah! That was the happiest moment. It is time to relive those moments again! Take out your old magazines, books or newspapers and make paper boats. Play in your garden area or collect water in a bowl and sail your boat in it.

Paper Boats


It may sound boring but there is nothing more satisfying than completing a puzzle or a jigsaw. You can do one by yourself or if in isolation with others you can make it a team effort. Just give it a crack, you will be surprised how addictive it can be.


Indoor bowling

A great way to reuse water bottles (or you can buy an indoor bowling set). Line six -10 water bottles at the end of your hall or living room. Place a line of duct tape on the starting line. Grab a medium sized indoor ball and start bowling! If you want, keep the score and give trophies at the end.

Indoor bowling

Pen Fights

Last but not least, pen fights! We all remember how teachers used to scold us in classrooms when we played pen fights. We know you all are going nostalgic reading it. Get out of your boredom and play it with your siblings and enjoy!

Pen Fights

So, these were some childhood memories that we all can recall. Let all pledge to be safe and stay inside our home and fight against this pandemic. Till you are home, make the most out of it and spend time with your family and stay together.

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