
Celebrate World Health Day the COVID19 Way

March 26, 2020

‘Health is Wealth,’ goes an old saying. You can do well in life only when you are physically prepared for it, and physical strength comes in with healthy living. WHO- World Health Organisation is one of the world’s renowned and most sort after organisation. Known for regulating the world’s health standards, this organisation has been counting every nation's physical stats.

Every year, 7th April is celebrated as World Health Day. This day was accepted at the First Health Assembly in 1948, and then in 1950, the world witnessed first World Health Day. The day came with the responsibility of spreading awareness of good health in the rural nations, and cities, across the world, by WHO itself.

Celebrate World Health Day the COVID19 Way

Like every year, WHO has made numerous plans to spread the word of health day but due to the outbreak of Novel COVID-19, all their plans have come to a hold. Now, all they are left is with social media to spread the word of healthy living. Well, we appreciate WHO’s efforts and to keep up with them, below we are listing a few tips and tricks to celebrate World Health Day at home.

Get into Yoga

We know, every one of us has promised an exercise routine from so long but never gave it a try, due to work and play. But, now that you have all the time in the world, try Yoga at the comfort of your home. Early morning Yoga at your terrace or in verandah will help you inhale some good and pure air. The best you could have ever done to your body. And do not do that alone, ask your family to join in or go for different timing of Yoga. #socialdistancing

Get into Yoga

Try Healthy Cooking

Another thing we all promised is to reduce our belly and its BFF fat. But never could we ever do that. Now that no access to food delivery is available due to #covid19 opt for healthy cooking. Google some of your favourite snacks, and the healthiest way to cook them and try experimental food.

Try Healthy Cooking

Clean that Dump

Everyone has that dumping corner in our house, where we dump all that trash, we think we’ll use in future. Health is not always related to Yoga, exercise, and good food. It comes with a clean space around us, as well. So, lift your body and move around, clean that trash and make space for good breathing.

Clean that Dump

Pamper your Garden

Not just us as humans need to take care of ourselves, but the lovely nature around us as well. Treat your garden with some pruning and cleaning, and fertilise it well, for perfect growth. Maintain your garden with proper care, and water whenever required.

Pamper your Garden

Spread the Word

Social media has become both a boon and curse and when it is about such Pandemic, we need to be extra cautious before forwarding any message. Spread social awareness about how you can make the full of #quarantine time.

Spread the Word

Declutter Digital Trash

We all have a bagful of varied digital devices, and all of them are filled up with viral videos, unnecessary mails, candid selfies, and whatnot. As per human psychology, not just physical declutter is necessary for a healthy living but also digital decluttering is important. So, now that #21dayslockdown has given you enough time how about utilising it by organising all your media and emails? This distressing activity will bring you a mental peace of another level.

Declutter Digital Trash

We have come a long way from the day when World Health Day first celebrated and at this point of time, maintaining health with proper sanitising is what we all need to do. So, this International Health Day, celebrate your being in the most positive manner. Spread the word of positive thinking and good sanitising. Maintain social distancing and stay in your home, doing the best of everything, you ever planned.

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