
Building a Sustainable Future: Our Promise to the Planet

April 20, 2023
Building a Sustainable Future: Our Promise to the Planet

CEO's Message on Earth Day
-Shrey Sehgal

Dear FlowerAura Family,

Earth Day 2023: A day to reflect on the life we live and the planet we call home. This day reminds us that we all have a responsibility to take care of the planet in a sustainable way.

It is a great pride and excitement to share our company’s journey from entrepreneur to ecopreneur. I believe when a company combines compassion and sustainability. It helps bring everyone together and work towards the same goal. Not only me but every single person working with FlowerAura has always believed that we have a responsibility to protect our planet.

As a brand, we believe that every step towards sustainability counts. Our present actions will leave a mark on the future as we endeavour to make a positive difference by promoting a greener tomorrow for the benefit of generations to come. We believe that with continuous efforts, we can make a visible difference and create a positive impact on the environment and society as a whole.

Promoting Employee Awareness and Accountability towards Sustainability Practices

Promoting Employee Awareness and Accountability towards Sustainability Practices

To achieve sustainability in an organisation, it is essential to prioritise it and ensure that the company has a sustainable mindset. Without this, no amount of structure or processes can make up for it. In other words, it's important to have a strong foundation of sustainability values before implementing strategies and processes to achieve it.

At FlowerAura, we have educated our employees on their responsibilities for sustainability. We have emphasised the importance of reducing our carbon footprint, promoting eco-friendliness, and taking small steps to become a carbon-neutral brand. By educating our employees on these values, we are ensuring that we are all working towards a common goal of sustainability.

Steps Taken by FlowerAura for Sustainable Practices

FlowerAura for Sustainable Practices

  • For instance, to reduce our carbon footprint and promote eco-friendliness, we have made several conscious decisions.
  • We organise plantation drives from time to time, where we plant saplings in several locations. This is our step towards contributing to a healthier environment and fighting climate change.
  • Moreover, we have almost reduced our single-use plastic consumption in the office premises and have effectively removed more than 5,000+ single-use plastic items from our office.
  • We only use wooden spoons and paper cups in our offices and stores. We have transitioned to an eco-friendly packing process to reduce waste production.
  • Also, in our commitment towards sustainable practices, we are taking small steps to become a carbon-neutral brand. In our office, we have adopted energy-efficient practices such as switching off lights, ACs and fans when not in use, and we also recycle water to reduce wastage. Furthermore, we have also made a system to track our carbon footprint so that we can take the necessary steps to reduce it.

Vision for a Greener Future

Vision for a Greener Future

At FlowerAura, we envision a future where every aspect of our business contributes to a sustainable world. As a step towards realising this vision, we are planning to implement a composting system that will turn the organic waste generated by our products, including plants and flowers, into a valuable resource for the environment. This not only aligns with our sustainability goals but also represents our dedication towards a greener and cleaner planet. We will continue our efforts for a greener future for that, we urge our customers and whoever is part of the organisation to join us in this journey towards sustainability.

Let's celebrate Earth Day and "Invest in Our Planet.”

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