10 Best Plants For Bottle Garden In India
Bottle gardens are a trending decoration solution for all plant lovers to step closer to nature. With a wide variety of plant species, comes unlimited decoration ideas for every plant lover out there! When it comes to buying plants, it is important to take into consideration matters like the plants to grow in specific areas (like sunny balconies & dark spaces). If you are planning to set up plants for bottle garden, then you should consider the type of plants suitable for conditions. In this post, we share the 10 best plants for bottle gardens in India.

1. Indian Basil
Indian Basil is a popular herb and is also considered a sacred plant. The ideal location of the plant is in a place where you can also get to use the herb part to your benefit - the Kitchen! Another benefit of having basil in the home is the mosquito repellant capabilities.

2. Snake Plant
Snake plants are some of the most popular plants for bottle gardening found in many places around the world. Also known as Mother In Law’s Tongue or Viper’s Bowstring Hemp. The plant strives in both bright and dark spaces. The plant has exceptional air-purification properties and requires little attention too! If you are someone who cannot attend to the plant consistently but would like to have a refreshing aura, then snake plants are a perfect choice.

3. Grape Ivy
If you are looking for a plant to complement your bottle garden with a dash of greenery, then grape ivy plants are the right pick. The best part about finishing the decorations with grape ivy is that you will not have to worry about care and maintenance. All you simply need to do is make sure to pot the plant in well-aerated soil.

4. Asparagus Fern
Asparagus Ferns are some of the best plants for bottle gardens of all time. these plants portray the characteristics of creepers. To make your dream bottle terrarium come to life, it is essential to prune, fertilise, and even change the bottle sizes.

5. Dracaena
Dracena plants are some of the most popular air-purifying plants that also requires little attention. With a wide variety of Dracena plant variations, spruce up your bottle garden with a blend of colours and shapes.

6. Jade Plant
Summer weather in India can be extreme on plants with little to no maintenance and not forgetting the type of species. Jade plants belong to the succulent family, the plants are considered to be desert or arid plants - this means that they can thrive with little help. So, create a maintenance-free bottle plant with jade plants.

7. Ferns
With strong spiritual beliefs and stunning leaf structures, ferns are a perfect pick for the bottle garden. To help you put together a magnificent bottle garden that will steal everyone’s heart, simply check out the options online.

8. Money Plant
Money plants are some of the most popular plants for gifting - to express love and best wishes to near and dear ones on many occasions. Why not bring up an aura filled with love, prosperity, health, and happiness? So, make your arrangements to buy terrarium plants online.

9. Croton
Are you looking for a plant to filter high levels of VOCs from your home? Croton plants are just the perfect pick to decorate your bottle garden and filter harmful toxins such as VOS’s and other toxins from cleaning compounds used in the home. And the plants are not picky whether the place is too sunny or dark.

10. Pearl plants
Still, having indirect sunlight issues and want to proceed with your bottle garden ventures? Pearl plants are an ideal solution to complete your plant decorations. To help you find the ideal vase to accommodate all your plants, it’s wise to consider the space at hand and request advice from the florists.

Final Words
Now you know the best plants to grow in a bottle garden in India! So, why not make your dreams come true with the best florist in town offering a wide variety of plants online, vase customisations, and home delivery on all plants online.