Best Motivational Books To Gift a Friend
The world is full of people who are looking for information about personal development coaching, personal growth, self-improvement, and motivation. Your friend maybe just one of those people who need a burst of motivation. And, for them, the best advice is to buy a book. But which book?

Some of the very best motivational books to gift a friend have mimicked the language of holy books and have enjoyed huge success.
Here are some of the very inspirational books to gift a friend are:
The richest man in Babylon by George. S. Clason is a case in point; written in 1926 the book is still given away by banks, insurance companies, and other financial institutions as an example of financial rectitude.
Written in a similar style, the books of O.G. Mandino are also set in ancient times and present various parables emphasising sales and motivational messages. The greatest salesman in the world, the greatest miracle in the world, and the greatest secret in the world are classics of their kind and well worth the purchase price.
If you want to change your life through some positive thinking habits you can do no better than using 50 success classics as a starting point for your journey through the literature of self-help books.

Motivational books that are unique gifts for friends:
You can find works of fiction, collections of quotes, how-to manuals, collections of essays, and historical retrospectives on all manner of subtopics related to running.
Once a runner by John. l. Parker
The book is about an amateur runner who gets kicked out of school and has dreams of beating the world's best.
There are so many instances here and there of little things that every team does in some way, shape, or form that it is difficult not to identify with the characters.

Ultramarathon man
Confessions of an all-night runner are probably the best auto-biographical retrospective from an inspirational standpoint. A lot of people, especially in the ultramarathoning community, are put off by Dean Karnazes and his self-promotion. When your friend reads this book, they are motivated to strive and become the very best version of themselves.
While the book encourages the readers to want to go out and not necessarily race but to be strong. It challenges our perception of the innate goodness in us, to embrace it, and to work hard for our dreams and expectations.
Coast to coast by Ryan Pancoast
The narrative follows the perspective of one of the runners through their 12-day journey and is interspersed with anecdotes from other runners and support crew as well as maps, diagrams, and a lot of pictures.
Ryan does a great job of making you feel as though you were there with the crew, and he does not hide from sharing the trials as well as the triumphs. Every person ran every few hours around the clock, and it is not easy to be cooped up with so many people for so long with little to no sleep. This is a superb motivational book that focuses on the strive, the stride, and the hard work a man puts in to achieve his dreams.
Each of these pieces is off-beat motivational reads that can inspire and help you to aspire in your life. For friends who are lacking the direction to move and become better versions of themselves can truly gain a fresh perspective to compete in life and make it just how they have dreamt it to be.