Surprising Benefits of Being Single
Being in a relationship can be great, but it involves sharing your entire life. You have to share your food, your side of the bed, your precious time or your Netflix account. When you're single, you can be a little selfish and not feel bad about it.
There are many benefits to being single. Whether you are someone who prefers to be in a relationship or is flying solo in general, everyone can benefit on their own for some time.

Even though you are technically "alone", you are far from an anomaly. In this era, you are truly ideal. Here are the perks of being single that you can start celebrating:
Travel Anytime, Anywhere, Solo!
If you like spontaneous travel and adventure, then you need time to be single. You can travel anywhere and anytime, even alone, and do not get into fights once you get back home. How cool is that!

You Have a Social life
Research has shown that people who live single have a good social life. Yes, according to a study, married couples find it difficult to make new friends. Because, they are concerned about their family, neighbours and the people around them and they also take care of their opinions while making friends. While another study found that married women and men spent less time with their friends. So, basically, no social life and gifts.

No Emotional Drama
We all have a friend who remains steadfast in how emotionally invested he or she is in a relationship. Being emotionally attached to someone can be insignificant and can also take a toll on you. Well, congratulations! You are not among them. Having a single call for no emotional damage that ensures better mental health and overall well-being.

Being single is fantastic and satisfying. The single status will definitely bring you a lot of happiness, quality time for yourself and a whole lot of freedom to do whatever you want. Being single also comes with the sheer benefit of the ability to decide, choose and make one's own decisions. Binge-watch, go for a trip, wear whatever you want, get a tattoo. Enjoy life without any restrictions or questions asked.

No one will ask you for time
Another outbreak of singularity is that you want your freedom to use your time. There is no one to fight you during busy days at work because you cannot time your dates or late night calls.

Your other relationships flourish
Sure, it can feel like everyone is paired up when you're single - but take some time to think about how much those other relationships actually develop because you don’t have a partner.
You are in a good Shape
Sure, couples can tell about their relationship on social media, but you can also post that gym selfie quite well. One study found that single people are hitting the gym at a higher rate than married people. The study also noted that single people who have identified as men exercise nearly twice the amount of men that married men do.

You have time for friends
"It is important to have healthy and powerful friendships whether you are single or in a relationship, but there is no doubt that when you are single, you are able to spend more time strengthening the friendships that you find most important and valuable.

No strings attached
If you are single and loving it, then try to rise above everything else. Being single, there is no luggage, and no wires are connected. Embrace this period of your life. Go out on a string of dates or laze around in your pyjamas. The world is yours to find out. Sleep or sleep as long as you want because you are not responsible or answerable to anyone. Let's throw your hands and feet in the air like you just don't care.

Have a happy single life!