
What is a good One-year Anniversary Gift for a Spouse?

July 26, 2019

The one year Anniversary is an achievement that you’ve made it so far and it’s a sign that you will continue till ages. Traditionally it is also known as “Paper Anniversary”. It’s a perfect opportunity to let each other know about your love and affection. While you can convey your feelings verbally, you can say it more romantically with a perfect first-anniversary gift. If you are thinking of what to get your spouse for your first anniversary? Do not worry! Here is a list of some great anniversary gift ideas that you can present to your better half. But, before that let us provide a brief about 1st year anniversary.

One year Anniversary Gift for a Spouse

  • Traditional Anniversary Gift: Paper
  • Modern 1st Anniversary Gift: Clock
  • Color of the 1st Anniversary Gift: Yellow and Gold

Paper Rose

A rose is the best way to express your love towards your better half. It is considered as the best traditional anniversary gifts for wife. Get her a beautiful paper rose tucked in a little plastic pot with a cute message. Spread the essence of love.

Where we First Met Frame

Relive the old memories by recreating them. Recall the exact spot where you first met and get that spot framed in a heart-shaped design with a sassy message.

Anniversary Clock

Clocks are the modern gifts generally given on 1st anniversaries, symbolic of the eternal nature of time, encouraging the couple to look forward to the years to come. A sweet rhyme to celebrate the love-filled time that’s passed since the first minute you met.

Gold Heart-shaped Pendant

A heart-shaped pendant is the best gifts you can choose for your better half. Personalize it accordingly by putting your picture together. You can even gift her a set of matching earrings to complete the look. This is one of the most appreciated 1st year anniversary gifts for her.

Q & A Journal (3 yrs)

Well, it can be a quirky gift to test your spouse. It offers a variety of questions. Each one of you has to jot down their answers. Over a three-year period, both writers can see how their answers are and can compare with each other.

Handwritten Love Letter

What can we better than expressing your feelings on a piece of paper. In this era of technology where everyone is opting for gadgets and electronics, a handwritten love letter is the best gift you can ever give. Express your love and feelings and present it to your better half. It will surely impress her.


Cufflinks are the next best option to give your spouse for your wedding anniversary. You can personalize it the way to want. For example, you can have a cut out of your wedding pics in cufflinks to give it a unique look.

So, Choosing the right gift can make a lot of difference in your love life and strengthen your bond.

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