
Aloe Vera Benefits for your Skin and Hair

March 18, 2020

Aloe Vera, also called the Magical Plant, is known since ages for its therapeutic and healing properties. Astonishingly, the plant has been mentioned in the Bible, and 6000-year old Egyptian carvings. It is also termed as the ‘Plant of Immortality’. Apart from being a ‘miracle plant’ and ‘nature healer’, the plant is also acclaimed to have its place in regular beauty regimes. It has been in use since the Egyptian era with Egyptian queen Nefertiti and Cleopatra believing in its benefits.

Aloe Vera Benefits for your Skin and Hair

Aloe vera is enriched with various anti-oxidation, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, and astringent properties. Considering Aloe Vera is a one-stop solution to every beauty problem apart from holding several therapeutic advantages, it is important to know its right use to attain the maximum benefits instead of pouring money down the drain for cosmetic resolutions. Below are several benefits of Aloe Vera for your skin and hair that are grandma favoured and work like a charm. Take the guide:

Aloe Vera For Skin

Our skin is composed of collagen and elastin. Aloe vera is a classic miracle ingredient for skin-related issues. Aloe vera for skin shows multi-faceted benefits as it consists of 75 constituents like salicylic acids, sugars, minerals, vitamins, amino acids, enzymes, and so forth. They help break down the structural skin enzymes and slow down the process of skin ageing.

Aloe Vera For Skin

1. Acne Fighter

Considering it has 99% water and is light in texture, aloe vera gel for acne is nothing less than a boon. You can use fresh aloe vera for face directly. Over some time, the zits will shrink, and blemishes will subdue. Alternatively, mix tomato juice and aloe vera gel in the ratio 2:1 as it helps fight breakouts and acne scars.

2. Firm Skin

You can use a mask of aloe vera gel for face and head to let the gel do its magic. Use one tablespoon of aloe vera gel, one egg and half cucumber as a mixture and apply it on your face and neck to reduce fine lines and wrinkles and improve skin firmness and elasticity.

3. Exfoliater

Aloe vera can be used withAloe vera can be other ingredients to help fight off dead skin cells and make the skin glow. Use aloe vera, shea butter and olive oil in equal proportions and apply a generous layer on your face and neck. Once dry, wash it off with lukewarm water.

4. Natural Glow

As a base, aloe vera for skin 2whitening is an excellent solution when used with brown sugar as it will reward you with smooth and radiant skin for pennies. Mix aloe vera gel and brown sugar in the ratio 2:1 to massage your skin in a circular motion for 5 minutes. Then, let the mask dry for 10 minutes and wash it off for restoring your skin’s natural glow. It also helps shrink blackheads and whiteheads.

Aloe Vera for Hair

Aloe vera for hair holds multi-faceted benefits and is one of the most affordable medicinal plants online or can be easily grown at home with proper maintenance. Aloe vera has certain proteolytic enzymes that help fight against hair fall and thinning. Its anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory properties revive hair follicles and prevent flaking and dryness.

Aloe Vera for Hair

1. Anti Frizz Hair

Well, you need not do much. If you are seeking an all-natural alternative, aloe vera gel for hair is your go-to option. You can use fresh aloe vera for hair along through the length of the hair. For extra benefits, you can mix one cup of aloe vera, two tablespoons of raw honey and two tablespoons of coconut oil to keep frizzies at bay.

For Thicker Hair

Aloe vera for hair growth does wonders as it fastens regeneration. So, for thick hair, mix 3 to 4 tablespoons of fresh aloe vera gel with some drops of castor oil and rosemary. Keep the mixture on the scalp for 20 minutes before washing it off with a mild shampoo. It will help condition, nourish, promote hair growth and improve the texture of hair.

3. Leave On Conditioner

Aloe vera can act as a leave-on conditioner when mixed with olive oil. Get a spray bottle and pour the mixture in it. Spritz it on your hair and leave it for 30 minutes before rinsing it off. It will give your hair a boost of nourishment and hydration as aloe vera for hair is proven to be magical.

4. Fights Off Dandruff

Aloe vera gel for hair growth has myriad benefits and fighting off scalp dryness, and dandruff is just one of them. Add one teaspoon of honey and two teaspoons of apple cider vinegar in a cup of fresh aloe vera gel. Doing this twice a month will work to drive away dandruff.

There’s no denying the fact that aloe vera holds potent health and beauty advantages. With the plant having so much to offer, it is safe to swear on the modest aloe vera for benefits beyond count.

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