
9 Tips That Will Improve Your Relationship & Make It Last Longer

February 27, 2017

"Effort is the best indicator of interest." – Keith Sweat

When it comes to romantic relationships, everyone looks for effort, not perfection. Love is all about little things that keep it alive and refreshing. Remember the time when you first met your partner? You went an extra mile in everything you did. But there are times when you feel the love ebbing away, everything falling apart with nothing you could do about it. From splurging on expensive gifts to reading a dozen books on relationship advice, you have tried them all.

 Tips to Make Your Relationship Strong & Long Lasting

Think no further. While you are too caught up in your daily engagements, here we present some love tips to help you bond better and make your relationship strong and healthy again.

1. The 3 A’s of Relationship

The 3 A’s are the core of any healthy relationship.

Acceptance is when you do not push your partner to be someone else. You accept them the way they are. You understand who they are without expecting them to change as per your wish.

Appreciate your partner to give them a boost and make your relationship sound and happy. Compliment them by way of words and gestures to bring a smile on their face. The only rule is that you should genuinely mean what you say.

Acknowledgement is when you realize your partner’s efforts in the relationship and do not take that for granted. Thank them for all the hard work they put to keep the relationship strong.

A couple in a healthy relationship

2. Conversation is the Key

You must be wondering how those blissful twosomes keep the romance alive. Whether you are living together or it's a Long Distance Relationship, it takes a good conversation to strengthen the bond and keep the magic happening. Indulge in some sweet talks. It’s a Rule, we say! You don’t need to engage in heavy conversations. Talking about anything (except about kids and chores) adds a lot of meaning to your relationship.

Conversations is the key to strengthen the bond and keep the magic happening

Also Read: Little Things We Do Unknowingly When We're In Love

3. Step Away From Technology

Believe it or not, technology does have negative implications on the relationship. Having your eyes glued to your phone clearly means you are missing out on a lot of romantic moments. Instead, play a mutual favourite sport, go out for a walk or a movie and disconnect yourself from technology.

 Use of mobile phone while sitting along with your loved one is not good for a healthy relationship

4. Reflect and Revive

Reminiscing good old times together is one way to sweeten the bond and make both of you feel comfortable and respected. To think of the long journey of love you both have made and went through all the rough times would revive the sweet love that has drained away.

Reviewing old time memories can sure help to make relationship healthy

5. Plan A Date

Give your relationship a boost by stepping out from your mundane routine and dining out together. Surprise yur partner by arranging a date-night. You could also choose to plan a day out and dedicate the whole of it to your partner.

A beautiful couple enjoying the moment on date

Also Read: 15 Absolutely Sexy & Romantic Types of Kisses You Should Know

6. Be Compassionate and Understanding

Your partner has had a long tiring day. So, there shouldn’t be any issue being your partner’s stress reliever. Feeling understood, cared for by someone can definitely keep you in your partner’s heart when they need a shoulder to lean on.

A beautiful girl showing her emotions to her loved one.

7. Find Common Goals

For a more fulfilling and satisfying relationship, look for anything that is common between you two. Clearly, there’s no such hard and fast rule as Opposites Attract. It is well known that couples who share dreams and goals together have better chances of enjoying their relationships.

 A beautiful couple during travel

8. The Couple Code

Make a difference in the way you communicate with your partner. If you can communicate just by the way you smile or a raise of an eyebrow, it is sure to add more fun and make you both feel closer.

Understanding each other's emotions helps to revive your relationship

Also Read: Do You Have A Perfectly Compatible Relationship? Find Out Here!

9. Be Friends First

Set aside jealousy and obsession and connect to your partner. Ask about your partner’s likes, dislikes, new interests. By developing a deeper friendship, you are more likely to have a secure bond. Being your true self without having to feel self conscious is of great importance for a healthy union.

Doing funny things with your loved ones can strengthen the relationship

With these amazing ways to give a boost to your relationship, you are sure to make your connection strong and long lasting.

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