Father's Day

7 Challenges of Being a Good Father

June 02, 2021

Every new father goes through a legit period of struggling to figure out this fatherhood thing. People usually tend to think that motherhood involves lots of effort, from birth giving to nurturing and everything in between. But fatherhood is hard, too; no one just ended up emphasising it that much, we guess. It takes a lot of patience and understanding to finally get the hang of every bit of parenting for a new dad.

Challenges of being a good father

Though there’s nothing like “the” way of being a great father. In learning about fatherhood, there is no doubt that sometimes the new dads will mess things up or feel they are getting challenged. And it’s okay! Totally normal! But as the people say, if “there is a will, there is a way always”. To help you out, here are a few fatherhood challenges and some ways to resolve them that could actually come in handy. As fathers day is just around the corner, get yourself prepared so that your child can pamper you with fathers day cake and confess that you are the best! If not some cake, you will surely be gifted with some fathers day gifts online to appreciate your contribution and efforts.

Let’s start discussing these challenges in detail.

Not Having Enough Time

Not Having Enough Time

There never seems to be much time left for new dads for themselves after managing their child. They tend to constantly juggle up and around with her list of chores but doesn’t end up meeting them all. So a making a to-do list and then religiously abiding by it should make things easier for you under such circumstances.

Earnings Never Equal To Expenditures

Never Equal To Expenditures

With new responsibilities comes newly developed pressure to earn more. Why not? From diapers, clothes, medicines to school supplies, later on, everything demands money. Until and unless your child grows old enough to start living independently and earning themselves, you are the bread earner of the family and need to take care of the earning part. Even for pampering you on father’s day, your child would ask for pocket money from you to gift you some personalised fathers day gifts. You just can’t help it! And somehow, you would at first think everything has been already figured out moneywise, but the cost of living tends to be taken up by a few notches. So to cope with this challenge, our simple advice would be to cut out on the unnecessary expenses. Observe yourself and your expenses, think where you can cut back off a little (for a while maybe) and then spend wisely.

Romance Disappears

Romance Disappears

A major setback in your romantic relationship with your wife happens, which surely can’t be denied. The spark from your married life seems to vanish after both of you get busy nurturing your little bundle of joy. Life is surely not a bed of roses, and it won’t be; hence you need to understand this is something fleeting. For the time being, you are working on yourself to overcome all these tiny obstacles in fatherhood. Give it some time, as your little one grows a little older, your romance and every bit of your equation with your wifey shall fall back into the place all over again.

Not Able To Set Priorities

Not Able To Set Priorities

There are so many things or areas of your life that needs so much of your attention. But you can’t help yourself and tend to get all confused. Work, spouse, kids and household chores might be just four arenas to list, but each of these is wide enough to consume your entire time and efforts. Not able to set the priorities seems like a crazy challenge of fatherhood. It just feels impossible to set priorities and to meet them thereby. Try, just try to have your priorities set straight for a while, abide by those priorities. You may feel that you are losing out but keep trying and you will surely succeed.

Time Management Seems Difficult

Time Management Seems Difficult

Only on some occasions like that of father’s day, as the child grows up will tend to appreciate you with a nice fathers day cake or some fancy gifts. Otherwise, balancing the time seems like indeed a thankless job. Hence it goes without even saying how important it is to manage your time wisely. Take a marker, prepare a time schedule for yourself, make sure to include some nap time for yourself.

The Concept Of Me-Time Goes In Vain

The Concept Of Me-Time Goes In Vain

While keeping up with the fatherly roles and responsibilities, it’s pretty true that the time concept disappears. You just can’t end up investing some time in yourself; pursue what you like to do in your leisure time. But make sure you take some time out for yourself by hook or by crook. You are mostly exhausted into this entire fatherhood thing because of this very reason. So make sure to spend some time with your wife, stay healthy, do some exercise, read something new, etc. Keep mental and physical health in check always.

Always Stressed

Always Stressed

Stress is one such factor which in excess, hasn’t helped anyone ever. So when you find yourself in some stressful situation, make sure to cut some slack off and do what makes you feel most alive. It is sure to help you feel way better and, at the same time, will keep you engaged way away from the stressful scenario!

So now that you know and have experienced some/all of these challenges, gear up and start working on yourself. Not just for your child, but for yourself. Your little one is going to be grateful for all your efforts, hard work and determination so much that he/she will gift you some personalised fathers day gifts.

Kudos to you, new daddy!

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