7 Best Plants to Grow in Kitchen Garden
Whether you have a small kitchen or big one, growing some really useful and amazing plants won’t take much of your house space. Imagine having some fresh herbs and fruits when you get to the kitchen in the morning for cooking! Fresh herbs make recipes taste even better and you will be surrounded with greenery and freshness all the time. But which are the plants to grow in kitchen? Well, if you are a beginner, then we have listed down some of the best herbs and plants for kitchen garden. Without any further ado, let’s get started with the list of indoor kitchen plants.

Sage is a fragrant herb that is incredible for preparing meats, vegetables, and sauces. But while using it, be cautious since sage will tend to overwhelm different other flavors. Sage additionally assists with healing cuts, irritation and assists with memory issues. It was once thought to be a medicinal cure. Sage is a simple spice to develop and is moderately simple to care for. It will be incredible in your kitchen herb garden for attracting honey bees.

Parsley is a pale bitter spice that can upgrade the taste of your food. Many consider parsley just to be a wavy green topping for food, however, it really assists food by adding great flavour. As an additional advantage, parsley can help indigestion. Parsley plants will develop to be bushy and large. The plant is also a great source of Vitamins A and C.

Aloe Vera
Surely one of the best plants for kitchen and is a must have in every house. Many people put Aloe Vera in the category of outdoor plants but it comes handy indoors as well. The plant is known across the globe for it’s soothing properties for skin problems and burns. Digestion, circulation, and weight loss are among the added benefits of this super beneficial plant. Make sure that you place the plant near a sunny window.

Oregano is a perennial plant yet in colder atmospheres can be developed as an annual. Often goes by the name wild marjoram and is firmly related with sweet marjoram, people call this plant a pizza herb! Oregano is utilized for enhancing the taste and is a useful spice of Italian American cuisine. So, the next time you make pizza at home, you know which plant to turn to!

Tomatoes are widely utilized in different dishes and simply sliced down in salads as well. Having access to fresh and juicy tomatoes in your kitchen vegetable garden will make work easier for you and getting the right variety of the plant will be more fruitful. You can go for a dwarf variety like Bush Big Boy or Plum Yellow or Cherry Tomato.

Basil plant is famous in numerous foods and is a primary component in Italian cuisine like pizzas, sauces, salads, and pesto. A few people think basil is incredible for planting close by your tomatoes but there's no actual proof that it makes your tomatoes taste better. Basil has medical advantages of antioxidants and protects against low glucose or sugar level as well.

Bay Leaves
The smell of bay’s amazing leaves reminds you of mint, clove, balsam, and even honey! Known for its utilization in stews and other long-stewing dishes with a marginally sharp, bitter, peppery taste. Include the entire leaves at the start of the cooking procedure and make sure to remove them before serving.

So, these were the different plants for kitchen garden. Incorporate these herbs and plants. You can either get the plants directly from a nursery or you can purchase the seeds to grow the plants from start. Hope you liked the informative blog. Happy planting!