
5 Flowering Plants That Your House Demands To Be Decorated With

November 28, 2019

What one doesn’t do to make the house look good? A large part of the social responsibility and personal desires asks for a beautiful home and definitely one gives it all for the upkeep of su casa. From the lamp on the side table of the bed to the knick-knacks on the shelves, everything speaks volumes about the person living in the house and portrays a picture of him or her for the guests. A spotless house embellished with creams and peaches of the decor world certainly attracts compliments and lends a sense of inner peace too.

Home Decor Flowering Plants

It is a wonder that a well-kept house imitates the fulfillment of success criteria set by society and it doesn’t come cheap. Well, to make a dent in your bank balance to beautify the home is old news now. It can be done in the most affordable way possible while inducing positive vibes in the air too and nothing could do the job better than different kinds of flowering plants that demand a little care in return. A single flowering plant does the three-fold job while sitting quietly in the corner: it purifies the breathing air, it makes the house looks extremely good and it accounts for the freshness in the ambiance which was missing before. If you are convinced already, then here are a few options that you could take home or better, order them online and let them come to you.

1. The Rose Plant

The whimsical aura of this beautiful flower is not a secret. History is filled with odes, poetry and love stories written with the mention of roses. You can fill your home with the same romanticism with a rose plant in the balcony of your house. While the blooms are quite delicate, you will be surprised to see how resilient this little plant is. It could stand strong in any weather and could survive the negligence pretty well.

Decorative Rose Plant

2. Ixora Pink Dwarf

You must have come across many types of plants while looking for the one which could make the people sigh in a single look but nothing could be as serene as this little green with pink florals. The cluster of star-shaped flowers will keep the ambiance of your living room alive all year long. These sun lovers need a moderate amount of water every now and then to keep up their sparkling beauty.

Ixora Pink Dwarf For Home Decoration

3. Flamingo Plant

Bearing glossy leaves and rich colour blooms, this plant also goes by the name of Anthurium and undoubtedly, it is one of the most classic beauties you will ever lay your eyes upon. A weekly routine of water and medium light conditions can keep the heart-shaped flowers long-lasting and shining while alluring everyone who sets their eyes upon it. The interesting fact is, Anthurium flowers are not technically flowers, they are modified leaves.

Home Decor Flamingo Plant

4. Peace Lily

Sure, a peace Peace Lily is what beauty is made of but have you seen a Peace Lily sitting in a terrarium, that’s what dreams are made of! Out of all the terrarium plants you could opt for, this one will make the most beautiful one so far. The lush green leaves complementing the serene white blooms are a sight to behold. Place it in your bedroom so that as soon as you wake up, this picturesque vision will already make your day better and wait, did we mention that this plant is an excellent air purifier too!

Peace Lily for Your Home

5. Hibiscus

If you wish to paint your home with a tropical affair, hibiscus is what you choose. It is also known as Mallow Plant and its beautiful florals are brimming with medicinal attributes too. This summer plant could survive direct sunlight and only require frequent watering when it is in the bloom stage. This one will look best sitting on the center table showcasing trumpet-shaped flowers and creating a summer paradise in your living room.

Hibiscus Plants For Home

Once you make these pretty flowering plants a part of your life, you can never go back to artificial flowers because the scent of life is far more attractive than an expensive artificial bunch of flowers. Place these blooming beauties in mason jars or hang them from the wall, they will always add the desired beauteous effect to the interiors.

Also read about, What are 5 Long Lasting Flowering Plants?

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