
4 Flower Scents That Are Ultimate Mood Lifters

April 28, 2017

Summers have arrived and the world around you is all set to mesmerize you with its blooming beauty. After all, the flowers are spreading their aroma to every corner. Apart from being a spectacular sight, flowers also are ultimate mood lifters.

Different flowers have different scents and each scent is sure to leave you feeling excited and contended both at the same time. You experience good vibes when in their presence. So, this summer, let your homes be filled with exotic flower scents that will not only add to the home décor, but also boost your mood.

Pleasant Flower Scents That Are Ultimate Mood Lifters

This summer, try from the list of our favorite picks of the most pleasant flower scents:

1. Lovely Lavender Scent

With small sized blooms, Lavenders have one of the strongest flower scents. A perfect relief from stress and anxiety, cultivated lavender is famous for its typical purple color. Owing to its anti-inflammatory properties, lavender is included in various cosmetics products and is also used as an ingredient in body oils to relieve headaches and calm itchy skin.

Lovely Lavender Flower Scent - One of the strongest flower scents

Also Read: Find The Answers To All Your Flower Related Questions

2. Radiant Roses Scent

Rose-fragrance perfumes are popular for their heavenly smell. The radiant red roses, when fresh, have a mild smell as compared to what the perfumes have made you believe and are exceptional soothing flowers.

So, whenever you feel stressed or your loved one is upset over something, simply order for a gorgeous Red Roses bouquet, like and witness the magic.

Radiant Roses Flower Scent - Ppopular for their heavenly smell

3. Laudable Lilies Scent

The gorgeous Lily is not just visually attractive but has an appealing and fresh scent. Their grace and elegance is certain to lift spirits.

Have a look at this Sweet Sensation from FlowerAura. This arrangement Pink Asiatic Lilies and pink roses with green fillers is all geared to leave you feeling thrilled and refreshed.

Laudable Lilies Flower Scent - Their grace and elegance is certain to lift spirits

Also Read: What do the Different Colors of Lily Mean?

4. Opulent Orchids Scent

This might come as a surprise to you because the most common orchid type, phalaenopsis, does not have a scent. However, many other species of orchids do have a scent such as Maxillaria Tenuifolia, also known as the coconut orchid has a scent of roasted coconut, and Angranthes grandiflora has a sweet fragrance similar to jasmine.

Opulent Orchids Scent

Whichever variety you choose, the exotic orchids, with their vibrant colors are appealing to the sense These are just a few suggestions, but every flower has the potential to help you unwind after even the most nerve-racking days.

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