Childrens Day

11 Things That Every Child Wishes Their Parents Would Understand

November 13, 2018

Sometimes to understand your child’s behavior better, you need to step into your child’s shoes and think like a kid. Sometimes, act like a one. Yes, most of you will encounter a few bumps on the road as your children turn to an adult from the teen but, you have to be very careful about how you deal with them. So, as you all celebrate Children’s Day this year, try to understand your child's psychology in a better way because all they want is your love and support to flourish.

Celebrate Childrens Day with your Kids

So, do you want to know what your child wishes you would understand? Here are 11 of them:

1. We Like Our Privacy. So, Stop Being A Detective. Please.

Well, most of the children say that they feel like their life is under a microscope at home. Although every parent should keep a track of what their children are doing, they should not hamper or question when their children ask for privacy. When your child asks you for some space, it necessarily doesn’t mean that he or she is doing something suspicious.

2. We Live In A Different Generation That’s A Bit Different

You agree or not but, there is a generation gap between you and your children just like the one between you and your parents. So, there will be times when your child may not agree with what you like or think but, that doesn’t mean he or she is on a wrong path.

Think of your Childs Psychology

3. We like To Do Things Our Own Way Sometimes

Everyone has a different outlook towards life. Everyone has their way of handling or doing things. It may or may not be perfect sometimes but, that's completely okay. So, there will be things that may make no sense to you but, make all the sense to your child and, you need to accept them.

4. We Love You And Are Blessed To Have You In Our Life

As parents, you may think that your children don’t love or respect you just because they disagreed to do something that you have asked them to do. But, you should know that most of the children are aware of what their parents have sacrificed for them and also want to make them feel proud one day. So, keep patience.

Parents are Blessed To Have Children in Their Life

5. We Express In Different Ways. So, Please Don’t Judge Us

Everybody of us expresses ourselves in different ways and, so does your children. Your children may not express themselves in the ways you want or expect them to. Apart from just with words, kids express themselves more often through their activities.

Parents Express Their Love in Different Ways

6. Much Of What You Define As Misbehavior Is normal

Sometimes your children might not like to sit before the relatives who came to your house for tea or for any other reason. So, yelling at them who refused to meet your relatives will not help him or her understand the lesson. So, to understand their behaviour in a better way, try to converse with them.

Understand Your Childrens Behavior in Better Way

7. ‘Girls/Boys Don’t Do That’ Make Us Feel Depressed

Do not ever create gender biased rules in your family because this may create a rift between you and your children. Let your child be the way he or she wants to be. Don’t stop them from exploring as a boy or a girl from what you think is forbidden.

Let your Children Explore as Boy or Girl from what you think is Forbidden

8. Study Is Difficult But, Trust Us We Are Trying Our Best

Your children may find studying a difficult task but if your child is still trying his or her best then, don't criticize them even if they are not scoring good grades. Instead, appreciate them for trying their level best and encourage them to do better in the future.

Encourage Your Children to do Better in the Future

9. When We Are Compared To Sharma Ji ka Beta, We Feel useless.

Not only with Sharma Ji ka beta but, comparing your child with someone else’s will not help the cause. If you want to encourage your child and do better in life then, stop comparing him or her with others because this may discourage them and shake their self-confidence.

Do not Compare your Children with Others

10. Being Not So Intelligent Is Perfectly Fine And Normal

Not everyone is born intelligent in this world. So, even if your child is not as intelligent as you expect him or her to be, it’s perfectly okay. He or she may be good and perfect in other aspects of life. So, the best way to understand them is to accept them the way they are.

 Understand your Children in Other Positive Aspects of Live

11. Sometimes When You Yell At Us For No Reason, It Hurt Us

Sometimes when your children do things that you have asked them not to, probably because you think they are too young to do this, you yell at them even if they have done that thing in a perfect way. But, let us tell you that fear-based parenting doesn’t always work. You have to be soft-spoken with your kids to understand them in a better way.

Be Soft-spoken with your Kids to understand them in Better Way

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