Valentine Gifts for Husband

10 Unique Gifts To Surprise Your Husband On Your First Valentine Day

January 18, 2021

There is no Valentine Bible that claims only females are to be pampered with love and gifts. Even the males can be made feel special with Valentine gifts. If you are married, then this Valentine, surprise your husband with valentine day best gift and let him know the depths of your love.

 valentine gifts for husband

Females are good with gift selection, but when it comes to choosing a valentine gift for a husband; she may need some assistance. So, here we are with choices for the first valentine gift for husband.

1. Explosion Box

The first year of marriage is all about capturing memories and moments. You would be having lots and lots of pictures of him and with him. Select the pictures carefully and create something eternal for him. Get the pictures designed into an Explosion box with messages and goodies. Over this gift secretly whisper, that my heart explodes with love for you.

 Explosion Box

2. LED Cushions

If there is a gift to express warmth and care; it is cuddly cushions. Valentine-themed cushions personalised with a picture, quote, and coming with LED is a perfect choice. Give the gift in the night so that the LED glows. As the LED glows, his eyes and heart will sparkle.

 LED Cushions

3. Lamps:

Make the first Valentine for him as Lit as it can get with light Lamps. Choose the lamp that can be personalised with pictures or engraved with words that make his world shine. Words like I Love You, Happy Valentine's Day, My Valentine will do the magic.


4. Valentine Quotation:

Finding the right words to put your love feelings can be tough. Women also find it hard to express how much they love their husband. More than the love, it's the feelings of care and wanting him by side that is difficult to convey. This cute LED bottle decor piece with a love quotation and I Love You written over will say the unsaid.

 Valentine Quotation

5. Flower Subscription:

Starting from Rose Day to Valentine's Day, shower him with fragrant flowers. Throughout the Valentine week, let him start his day with the freshness and hues of love. Take a valentine’s day flower subscription from a reputable online florist that will send him bouquets on all the seven days.

 Flower Subscription

6. Potted Plant:

Love can be expressed in a refreshing way over a potted plant. If he is born with green fingers, a plant gift will make his heart go crazy in love. Two-stocked Lucky Bamboo symbolising love, Hoya plant with heart-shaped leaf, Syngonium plant in a personalised vase are options worth considering.

Potted Plant

7. Beer Subscription:

You know your husband's likes and dislikes well. Just gift him something he likes the most, beer. You can choose a beer subscription for a month, bi-monthly or quarterly. If he likes to share his beer with you, gift personalised V-Day themed beer glasses, and other accessories.

Beer Subscription

8. Leather Watch Box:

If you do not give him a watch this time because you think it's a bit cliche, go with a leather watch box personalised with his initials. It is unique and would feed his obsession for watches. As per his collection, you choose the box slot, three or six.

Leather Watch Box

9. 101 Conversation Starter:

Many wives feel that their husbands are not a great conversation starter. Or your husband lacks the skill to make that romantic, funny conversation, so this will help. It's a book with some conversation starter line. Help him reveal his romantic side, and then you can take the lead to turn it into something more passionate.

101 Conversation Starter

10. The 5 Love Languages for Men Book:

He is a bibliophile? He surely needs to read this one. A best-selling book The 5 love languages by Gary Chapman's has a special edition for men. This would be eye-opening for him. And, books are always great to be gifted across occasions. This Valentine's Day, turn the love tables by surprising your husband before he does!

The 5 Love Languages for Men Book

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