
10 Best Indoor Plants that are Boon for your Lungs

December 05, 2019

Did you know that coughs and sneezes are replacing the traditional good mornings and hellos? Yes, it is an exaggeration, but how many of you have indeed had such a reaction as soon as you remove your mask upon entering the house or office? A lot! With air pollution at an all-time high, not only do we need more trees outdoors but also indoor best plants for respiratory health clean air at our homes and workspaces. Sure, air purifiers are a mandate, but why not try something more natural? Take a look at some of the best plants for lungs and clean air:

Best Indoor Plants that are Boon for your Lungs

1. Aloe Vera

Unarguably the king of household medicinal plants, aloe vera is going to become your favourite indoor plant that cleans the air too! Rich in vitamins, enzymes, and amino acids, it is good for skin and healthy hair. Easy to maintain and widely available, this indoor succulent can be re-grown at home very easily. Gift an aloe vera to your dear ones to say “ Aloe (you) vera” much!

Aloe Vera

2. Snake Plant

Cheekily known as mother-in-law’s tongue, it removes toxins such as benzene, formaldehyde, trichloroethylene, and xylene from the air. This one is a low-maintenance (we hope so is your mother-in-law) indoor plant that thrives in some sun and drier corners of your abode. Its long green leaves with a light yellow outline are beautiful to look at!

Snake Plant

3. Bamboo Palm

Gone are the days when taking a stroll in the park was all that we needed to refresh ourselves in the morning and get ready for the day ahead. A bamboo palm will be a pretty close substitute though. Pet-friendly and majestic to look at, these can grow up to 12 feet in height, making them an attractive option for an office reception backdrop.

Bamboo Palm

4. Ferns

When well-maintained and placed in an attractive pot, the humble fern fills your home with a soothing vibe. It needs high humidity but shies away from light. A perfect addition to your minimalistic guest bathrooms, this wipeout formaldehyde, and xylene- making them one of the best indoor plants for clean air.


5. Peace Lily

When just green is not the colour on your mind or you want to add a feminine touch to your home, the best pick is a Peace Lily Plant. Inarguably the prettiest indoor plant on this list, the peace lily is tiny to look at and mighty in charm. These flowers for most of the summer season but do add pollen to the air. Gift your friends and family a beautiful peace lily plant to fill their hearts with warmth and homes with fresh, floral-scented clean air.

Peace Lily

6. Ficus

We do not know why it is called the weeping fig, but looking at this dainty plant puts a smile on our faces. Famous as an indoor plant, it is a tree that moonlights as a plant to be able to compete in the category of most beautiful indoor plants for clean air. Put the pot outside during the spring to let it attain its lush green beauty and bring it back indoors during summer and winter to take advantage of its air-cleaning capabilities.


7. Spider Plant

Do not let its cool name and messy leaves fool you. This hard-to-kill houseplant is a winner when it comes to maintenance. Keep it on your window sill after watering it and you can come back from your month-long vacay to a lush green indoor plant. These flowers into baby spider plants or spiderettes and if that is not the most adorable part then what is?

Spider Plant

8. Flamingo Lily

As flamboyant as the flamingo, this deep green plant is one of the best indoor plants you could opt for a breath of fresh air. Flowering on 300/365 days, these will be the perfect addition to a room with modern or bohemian décor alike. With the ability to remove formaldehyde, ammonia, xylene, and toluene, these will thrive in more humid parts of your house.

Flamingo Lily

9. Chrysanthemums

Delightful and charming, chrysanthemums are prettier than any air-purifier that you will ever lay your eyes on. A bit difficult to grow compared to the other indoor plants on this list, they make up for in colour. Pick the colour of your choice, house it in a white pot, place it in a corner that enjoys indirect sunlight and water them when the soil is dry.


10. Devil’s Ivy

Also known as golden pothos, it is an easy to grow indoor plant that cleans the air of common toxins such as xylene, benzene, trichloroethylene, and formaldehyde. Multitasking to the core, this plant can grow well in pots as well as hanging baskets. Place it in a room that you rarely visit, still, this plant will add a lush green charm to it.

Devil’s Ivy

Being busy with our lives leaves less time to focus on our health. Eating healthy and exercising regularly is imperative and we do control what we eat and drink but the air we breathe often goes unnoticed. Investing in an indoor plants to clean your lungs and clean air will make sure that you and your loved ones stay healthy, without adding to your electricity bills!

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