
10 Awesome Birthday Cake Designs for Baby Girls

September 01, 2020

It’s time to rejoice as it’s your baby girl’s 1st birthday! In order to celebrate her birthday the way your little queen is you need to throw her a birthday party which she will be thankful for when she grows up. To throw her a party to remember, you will need party decorations, some people to enjoy her birthday along and obviously, a specially crafted 1st baby girl birthday cake. No matter how many things may go wrong, the first baby girl's birthday cake should be absolutely perfect for your little girl, so that she loves every bit of it. You can get it made from some online bakery which would offer its efficient cake delivery online along with the amazing taste and appeal of the cake. If you are wondering what kind of cake design would be perfect for your baby girl birthday cake, then we have got it all sorted for you. Below, we are presenting you a list of some awesome birthday cake designs for 1 year old to treat your baby girl who has just turned one with. She will start blabbering about how wonderful the baby girl birthday cake of her dreams turned out.

Birthday Gifts Ideas For Teachers

1) Princess Cake

Teachers just love books! And a book can be the best birthday gift for a teacher as every book has something to give. You can opt to gift a book of the same subject with some advanced things in it or a novel of a suspense story. There are lots of options in the books category.

Princess Cake

2) Barbie Cake

If your baby girl can’t get enough of tapping her feet to the song 'I'm a Barbie Girl in a Barbie World,' then you know what kind of 1-year baby girl birthday cake you need to surprise her with. A charming Barbie doll cake for her first birthday would be a surreal surprise. She would be absolutely thrilled to cut a birthday cake as lovely as a Barbie one.

Barbie Cake

3) Flower Cake

There’s no denying in the fact that everyone, be it an adult or a newborn has a thing for beautiful, colourful and delicate flowers. Which is exactly why a dreamy creamy flower cake that can be topped up with real edible flowers or with some fondant or buttercream flowers can make an excellent birthday cake to cheer up your Lil one with.

Flower Cake

4) Minnie Mouse Cake

The sweet, stylish iconic fashionista Minnie Mouse when comes in a birthday cake will be an instant heart-winner for your little bundle of joy. As this female protagonist of the series, Mickey Mouse Clubhouse has been quite ruling over everyone’s hearts as she loves to spend time with her lifelong sweetheart, Mickey and reflects her kindness and love through her various acts.

Minnie Mouse Cake

5) Doraemon Cake

Heard of Udta Robot aka Doraemon? If not, then let us tell you that this is a trusty cat-type robot from the 22nd century with a handy 4D pocket that can hold up effective gadgets to make his friend Nobita’s life easier. From its theme song to the character itself, when the show is on air everyone stitches to their seats in order to giggle, laugh or smile a bit. Hence, a Doraemon cake would be perfect to pamper your little doll with.

Doraemon Cake

6) Unicorn Cake

Ever since people have heard of this fictitious one-horned white horse-like creature in their bedtime stories and various folklores, people have been constantly driven to this creature’s beauty and serenity. This animal is said to be a symbol of good luck, love and happiness as per some cultures, which is why you can go ahead and treat your baby with a rainbow unicorn cake.

Unicorn Cake

7) Colourful Candy Cake

There would be absolutely no child in this world who had not wished to get pampered with some colourful candies, taffies and other chocolates. So why not get your dearest baby girl a colourful candy cake for her first birthday? Sounds like a plan, right? Well, it is quite one!

Colourful Candy Cake

8) Tiara Cake

Make believe your little one that she is no less than a princess herself. She would be too immature to understand this fact now but when she grows up and goes through her first birthday photographs, tears will roll down her eyes out of joy which will be priceless.

Tiara Cake

9) Jungle Theme Cake

Soon she would be off to her preschool and before that phase arrives for her she would love to equip the jungle team. Elephants, giraffes, lions, tigers, monkeys, foxes, etc., she will be left in awe of her birthday cake being so informatively interesting for her.

Jungle Theme Cake

10) Pooh Cake

No other cartoon character matches up to the level of cuteness of Winnie The Pooh’s. Isn’t it? So let the birthday pamperings begin for your one-year-old daughter as you get her cake cutting ceremony rolling over a scrumptious yet stunning Pooh cake.

 Pooh Cake

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