5 Bedroom Plants To Help In Purifying The Air And Improve Your Sleep
Plants tend to bless us all with their innate blissful properties. They also tend to add their innate green charm to our home decor and beautify it even more. They bring life to the dullest corners of our home sweet home and thereby make it a cozy place to reside happily. Among all the different categories of air purifying indoor plants, bedroom plants have earned a considerably higher amount of popularity among people. In this fast paced life, wherein everyone seems to be rushing sleep is one such factor which tends to get compromised. No matter how many sleeping pills one takes, in the end one gets habituated and the effects of such pills even diminish. So what to do? That is exactly when you look for oxygen plants for bedroom which helps to improve sleep quality for you and your loved ones. Choosing air purifying bedroom plants will not just bless one with deep, baby-like sleep but also will save one from the prolonged dependency and adverse effects of consuming sleeping pills. So, if you are wondering which are the best plants to keep in bedroom, then here’s a list of them for you to consider. Each of these plants can be easily found over some reputed online as well as offline nurseries to help you revamp or decorate your bedroom decor.

1. Snake plant -
Mother in law’s tongue aka snake plant is a scientifically proven natural air purifier. It releases oxygen at night that aids one to sleep better. It is a well known houseplant which eliminates some harmful chemicals like xylene, toluene, benzene, trichloroethylene and formaldehyde. Formaldehyde is commonly found in hairspray and is responsible for causing respiratory problems. This is why a snake plant makes a great bedroom plant.

2. Peace lily plant -
As per NASA’s research, peace lilies are an excellent air purifying bedroom plant. It is said that this plant can increase the humidity by 5%. As increased humidity helps us humans to sleep better, it makes a great bedroom plant. Drop in humidity level can cause static electricity, dry skin and hair mostly during the winter season and can also give rise to various respiratory diseases. So go ahead and bring this plant home today and watch its tiny white flowers bloom beautifully.

3. Golden Pothos -
Having stunning marbled, heart shaped leaves make golden pothos plant a gorgeous green piece of home decor. Devil’s eye aka golden pothos is too an excellent air purifying plant just like peace lily and snake plant. One can choose to hang this plant in some cutesy basket to keep it out of your children and pet’s way. One of the perks of bringing this plant home is that it is a low maintenance plant which needs little sunlight and watering once a week.

4. Jasmine -
This aromatic species of flowering bedroom plant is said to reduce the anxiety levels and thereby improve the sleep quality. They make a pretty bedroom air purifying plant which needs watering only when its top soil dries out. It’s sweet scent is what is responsible for making this plant so popular among all the interior decorators and people who love to nurture plants not just for benefits but also for serene beauty.

5. Aloe Vera -
Having a super plant like Aloe Vera in your bedroom is sure to simplify your life and make it better. It is one such medicinal plant which also has excellent air purifying properties to watch out for. This is a succulent species of plant hence doesn’t require much care or watering. The gel of this plant is used to treat various minor cuts and bruises. It prefers a sunny spot to do well.

So, these were the top 5 best selling bedroom plants online as well as offline that helps to purify the air and improves one’s sleep pattern. Go ahead and bring home these green beauties to save your cost of getting some sleeping pills and artificial air purifier.