7 *Not-So-Silly* New Year Resolutions That You’d Happily Stick With Till The Very End
Alright, New Year is right at the door. And the first thing you’d do to welcome it is…..
We all do it like it’s a universal custom. Make it & break it. Of course, the ones who stick around what they resolved for deserve a bow down but there’s an unending line of guilty faces on the other side who have greater bliss in life…like sleeping with one leg out of the covers, shoving the dinner plate under the bed because getting up is strenuous.
And for these kinds, we are here and we understand. In order to banish all the guilt, we’ve come up with something to aid you. Guess what?

Resolutions! Again. But they are completely interesting and non tedious, we assure. And in the end, they would give you a complete sense of achievement. So, set your New Year hopes high and dreams intact. You’re on board!
1. Reward Yourself For Little Achievements
No efforts and much smiles. Learn to appreciate the efforts you make in terms of relationship, professional deadlines, societal formalities and what not. The way you trod the rough trail and collect yourself at every whip of life needs to be recognized. And who’d do that? You! Because “Self Love Is Bae.”

2. Do Good To Others
Might sound like preaching but the world has many good souls out there who deserve a smile. Be the reason. Make visits to old age homes and orphanages and lighten their burden. Not only they’d smile, you’d do too and be overwhelmed with the goodness this world has.

3. Take A Solo Trip
Give yourself a proper holiday because you need time to reflect, refresh and revitalize to bounce back to the normal routine. And know that experiences are more valuable than things. They fill your soul. If you haven’t done it yet, this is your year. Have some much needed 'Me-Time'.

4. Try New Food Every Week
If dieting is not your cup of tea, make sure whatever goes inside you is worth the flab. That means your culinary adventures should not only add calories but also memories. Try new food every week or pick one food and explore it everywhere to be expert in that particular cuisine.

5. Quit Smoking
Some social message because someone should take the responsibility. If you’ve already quit it, we love you. If you haven’t, there couldn’t be a better time to be a better you. Take care of your body. It’s the only place you live in. Don’t let the puffs decide your life span.

Also Read: Cute and Meaningful New Year Wishes To Write On The Message Card
6. Sort Your Financial Worries
Your finances need your attention. To kick start the year well and have a satisfying end, get your finances in order which always remains the main issue. Little changes in the routine and cutting down on avoidable expenses can help you save a fortune.

7. Stop Being In A Toxic Relationship
Remember what you’ll allow is what will continue. Someone who contributes little to the relationship doesn’t deserve to control so much of it. So, save yourself from the all the negativity of wrong people. Affirm your worth and know that you deserve a healthy, positive and encouraging relationship.